Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Faux Brick - Adding Instant Appeal to Your Home

Applying the beautiful traditional look of brick gives your home a great makeover. However, by choosing a faux alternative, you can have that look without having to break the bank. Traditional bricks can be very expensive and can involve tearing down walls and additional construction to apply, but a thin brick veneer can be applied right on top of your existing walls. Supplying a completely custom experience, however you decide to decorate your house has become way easier and more personal.

The highly adaptable nature of brick veneer walls enable it to be put on almost any surface and fit any sort of specific look you have in mind. Faux brick is accessible in a spectrum of colors, styles, textures, and looks. Whether you want accents in your living room or a complete remodeling of your home's exterior, a thin brick veneer can take your vision and make it reality. Whether you want the look of a 19th century red brick school house or an ultra-modern white brick facade, the adaptability of faux brick provides a great value. Since no walls have to be torn down, you can avoid additional costs for destruction and construction, saving you even more money.

It's very easy to become fearful of do-it-yourself projects, but the application of faux brick is surprisingly quick and easy. If you've had bad experiences building a tree house for the kids, you will find no trouble in applying your new brick veneer. However, if you've become traumatized beyond the point of no return, a qualified professional is just as capable of applying the faux brick. The faux brick is only faux in its size. Made with actual clay and fired in an oven, your thin brick counterpart is made to look and resemble traditional brick in every way. Providing the same classic effect as traditional sized brick, a faux brick is a lighter, more affordable alternative to regular brick. Brick can be brittle and very expensive, but in investing in the cheaper faux alternative, adding a rustic element to your home is very easy.

Doing some research can go a long way in picking out your faux brick veneer. Deciding how and where to apply your faux brick is important, and the opinions of friends and professionals can aid in making your home look as great as possible. Architectural jargon can be pretty intimidating. Learning just a few and applying them to your home not only makes you more knowledgeable in the placement of your brick panels, but also more confident in your choice. Having specific ideas in mind can make the decision making process easier and will end up in your new brick accents looking their best.

Construction Tips - Build a Brick Wall

A brick wall is a awful accent to your garden or can be a simple means to create privacy in a yard. While being appealing they are also very simple to sustain when finished as they won't acquire the cracks and cracks that cement block walls might. Bricks are supposed to be arranged against an already existing wall, so if you plan to build a brick wall it should not be too big. People often hire pricey contractors to construct even the lowest brick walks for their homes, but utilising the flowing guide will eradicate the need for doing that and provide a fun home design for do-it-yourselfers.

There are many various styles that a brick wall can be built in. The most common of which is the running bond or the way where each new row of bricks begins in the center of the row before. There are also the herring bone, diagonal herringbone, basket weave, and half basket weave. For the aims of this guide, the style being explained will be the Jack on Jack, where the blocks are placed directly on top of each other.

Required tools and Materials

The materials needed for building a brick wall include the following:

Cement Bricks (the number of bricks required depends upon the length and the width of the wall) Measuring tape Shovel Trowel Leveling tool Chalk


Step one: Measure out the proportions of the wall you want to build, length and height.

Step two: Make the concrete base for the wall. This will ensure that the wall is flat once it is made. Mix the concrete as per the instructions on the bag and lay it out along the area that will be used as the base of the wall. It is okay if the width of the base is uneven as you will be able to cover it with earth once the wall is complete. Let the concrete to dry completely which will take at least one day.

Step three: Once the concrete is dry, mark the length of the wall with chalk and a straight edge such as a piece of wood. This will be used as the guide to lay the first layer of bricks.

Step four: Start building the wall from the left most side. Apply a liberal new layer of wet cement on top of the now dry wall base with the trowel. Spread the cement with an even back and forth motion.

Place down the first layer of bricks, moving from left to right without allowing any space between them. Subsequent layers will have a joint or space between each brick that is filled with cement.

Step five: With the leveling tool see that the first layer is as level as possible. The cement will provide some amount of movement for misplaced bricks. Uneven bricks can be shifted to give evenness across the length of the wall. Remove the extra cement that is pressed through the sides using the trowel and use it for the next brick to be placed.

Step six: Repeat steps four and five until the height of the wall you are making is achieved.

Tips and Warnings Check with your local constructing agency before making a brick wall. Many laws will allow small ones (under 3 feet high) without it being necessary to file for permits.

Keep the bricks you will be working with in a wheel barrow to your right. This way they are within arms reach and can be easily moved as you move down the length of the wall.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect You Should Know

While it can be hard to prevent child abuse and neglect, knowing the warning signs can help you put an end to these horrible wrongs much quicker. When it is caught early on, the victim is more likely to make a healthy recovery. Unfortunately, not all cases of neglect and child abuse can be noticed simply by looking at a child. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance you become familiar with the warning signs shared below.

Children who are abused emotionally might show the following symptoms. They may appear afraid of people for no real reason. Some of them may worry about extremely small things. In addition, they may seem withdrawn and not interact with others.

While other children may appear too aggressive and demanding, some young victims of emotional abuse may behave in a manner which is more appropriate for someone of a younger age. For instance, an eleven-year-old child might suck his thumb or fall on the floor kicking and screaming when denied something.

It is easier to recognize children who have been physically abused. On their bodies, they may have cuts, bruises, or welts with unexplained causes. Sometimes patterns of belts or hands can be seen in their injuries. Many kids who are physically abused are constantly on the lookout for danger.

Since they are so scared and waiting for the next assault, they tend to avoid physical intimacy and flinch whenever there are startled by movement. The young person who is being abused will not want to go home, yet he or she will be too afraid to tell you why they feel this way. This individual may also wear long sleeves year round to make sure no one sees the bruises or scars.

Frequently, sexually abused children often appear to have difficulty sitting or walking. Even at young ages, they may have an inappropriate knowledge of activities relating to sex. The child who has been abused may also be hesitant to change clothes unless he or she is alone. A number of children who endure this type of abuse display a great deal of fear when a certain person's name is mentioned.

While it is not always easy to spot children who are neglected, sometimes it is apparent. These kids often wear clothes which are either dirty, unsuitable for the weather, or too big or too small. Many of them exhibit bad hygiene and may possibly have illnesses or injuries for which they never seem to receive treatment. Neglected children also have attendance issues at school.

Child abuse and neglect are very serious issues. In fact, when these two issues are either ignored or undetected, children can be scarred for life and in many cases, killed. Be aware of the signs and protect your children and those who could be your children as well.

What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied   November Is National Adoption Awareness Month   

Parental Alienation: Who's Best Interest?

Our children are not born to hate, they are raised to hate. - Thomas della Peruta

If you don't know what "parental alienation" is, you probably haven't had the pleasure of a divorce with children; let alone the war of a "high profile" custody dispute. Us veterans know exactly what it means--agony for a noncustodial parent and emotional problems for children alienated from a parent.

Parental alienation unfortunately, that is one of those topics that unless you yourself or you are close to someone who has experienced such a thing you probably have no idea what it is. It's one of those entities of a bigger issue that's been left out of attention. As child abuse we all know about physical abuse, sexual, mental, and emotional, but parental alienation rarely ever receives the spot light. Unfortunately, in spite of its little attention it is a form of child abuse with a higher rate of the physical forms.

As a result of both of my own children and step-children's experiences of parental alienation, that after two years later of the signing of papers, which mildly continues to this day, I petitioned the governor of my state for the proclamation of Parental Alienation Awareness Day, April 25th 2011. On March 31, 2011, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed my proclamation.

Proclamation is defined as: Evidence; The act of causing some state matters to be published or made generally known. A written or printed document in which are contained such matters, issued by proper authority; as the president's proclamation, the governor's, the mayor's proclamation. An act that formally declares to the general public that the government has acted in a particular way. A written or printed document issued by a superior government executive, such as the president or governor, which sets out such a declaration by the government.

Ironically, in spite of the fact that parental alienation is mental and psychological manipulation of a child which drastically harms them mentally, emotionally, and psychology, technically it is not recognized by the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. It is however recognized in many other states in the U.S. and in areas in Canada.

Taking a step forward, many courts have acknowledged it, however... There is a fine line as to which either to tread or not to cross when it comes who to protect. Many courts have all but shed the criteria of, "do what's best for the child," and adopted the motto of, "let's do this until you two stop bickering."

Of course the ultimate goal should be to protect a child from any physically or emotionally/psychologically abusive parent. In some moronic twisted reasoning courts have ordered some children unsupervised visitation with both parents. Why is this moronic? For one, their reasoning. The idea of equal time is to punish the alienating (accuser) while at the same time protecting the child. OK, I can get that. The other is so the accused gets equal time with the intent they are not alienated. I can see how this can help relieve the alienating, but what of any accusations? If there are not any then maybe problem solved. But the ultimate question is whether or not is better or not err in favor of protecting a parent's relationship with their children, a child's well-being, punish the accuser, protect the judge, or intervene on behalf of a set of parents and their children.

The judge, my ex-wife's attorney, not even the attorney I had appointed for my own children were willing to recognize the parental alienation going on with my children.

Capital Weekly article quoted: 'Parental Alienation is a perilous accusation that should never be recognized in courts or viewed as particularly compelling in cases deciding the custody of a child, especially when resolving profound difficult questions concerning the scary scenario of placing that child back into the home of a domestic violence abuser."

So the AMA and APA doesn't recognize it. It is not found in the Harvard Medical School Countway Library stacks of the History of medicine and medical. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. To conclude that it didn't exist just because two professional entities haven't recognized it is equivalent of concluding that neither Parkinson's or Bipolar aren't real because it's impossible to "put your exact finger" on their cause. Both of their diagnoses are a process of elimination without any conclusive test.

Up until 1968 ADHD was figured as "minimal brain damage," "minimal brain dysfunction," and "learning/behavioral disabilities? It wasn't until then the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for the American Psychological Association (DSM-II) was the name changed to "ADD with or without hyperactivity." Then in 1987 the name was changed again to stand alone ADHD for the DSM-III and remains to this day. This is only one example of how the recognition and evolution of a, for lack of better terms "disorder" changes with through time with our society.

Even now the revision of the DSM-V is under way with the proposal of revisions for well over 30 major categories and their sub-categories bringing many changes with some new diagnosis and some being dropped.

Changes throughout the past years were due to disorders and conditions that have become recognized or as a result of changes in society. Changes in our society is one of the main reasons for awareness. We become used to things that we become blind when things are harmful and minimize them. It's not until people begin to see what's going on and decide to make others aware that things start to change.

The doctrine of the best interests of the child is something parents tend to hear in custody disputes. It is used by most courts to determine a wide range of issues. It was a joke in my custody dispute. The ball seems to get dropped as each party tends to leave it up to someone else to tend to the children in court. There are two guidelines I find are conflicting when parental alienation is present. The capacity of each parent to allow and encourage frequent and continuing contact (physical & verbal) between the child and the other parent and the preferences of the child.

With parental alienation, the alienating parent prevents, as much as possible, contact or refuses contact between the children and other (target) parent. Our children are brainwashed against the other (target) parent and many times will tell the court lies against that parent and tell they do not want to see that parent. But here lies the problem with the court. Communicating with numerous parents they are failing miserably in cases of parental alienation. And by the content of their discussions I find it hard to believe that judges and attorneys are clueless to the phenomenon of parental alienation.

This was the case in my custody dispute of false child abuse allegations. After speaking directly to my oldest son who was coached by his mother, the judge blatantly admitted he wasn't convinced of what my son told him but just to be on the safe side he ordered me supervised visitation. I took it to mean to cover his own butt. And after the papers were signed at the end of the dispute my attorney flat out asked my ex-wife's attorney's if she honestly believed I had abused my children. Her answer was, "No." So the courts are aware of the problem. But because there seems to be money made and no accountability children and parents pay the price.

It seems they have been well aware of this phenomenon for years. But getting the legal system to actually do something about it is the problem. The current penalties that judges can impose are useless. One can file contempt charges against the alienating parent. Any contempt charge is difficult to prove let alone win, and judges don't like them. This only prolongs the whole procedures buying time for the alienating parent with the children to brainwash them even more. And in the end the alienated parent may wind up being just that, alienated and hated by the child.

Alienating is a crime of hate that uses children as accomplices. What's worse is that parent will lie about lying and blame the kids for their own lying. "They are throwing a fit because they don't want to come see you and I don't want to make them have to." Even it were true, it is not a gift they wish for and hope they get it. It is about having contact and a relationship with a parent who loves them.

The courts are doing a great disservice to parents by allowing the "preference of the child" to dominate custody cases. The courts fail to act upon the blocking of access properly.

How could a child suddenly refuse or hate a parent? If you are not guilty of abuse, physical, sexual or emotional, then where does this hatred come from? Children are not born to hate. It's seeds are sown by the parents. Whether it to hate another race, religion, or person. In cases of parental alienation a child may be manipulated by a parent who want to punish the other, or for custody. Children are emotionally blackmailed by the alienator. Children are abused so that a parent can gain an advantage.

There's no need to quote statistic after statistic about how well children do when they have contact with both parents. That should go without saying, but none the less it's a well known fact and not the focus here. Awareness that leads to results is the focus. One step of awareness that leads to changes. Changes in our family court systems. Changes in post-counseling. It's been 2 years since my custody dispute has ended and my children and I continue to deal with its effects. One child continues counseling. It's the third one. It's a step of awareness towards the same recognition. of the aftermaths of other forms of child abuse, physical, sexual, emotional, and/or psychological which are in the forms of anxiety, PTSD, and depressive disorder.

The courts needs to step up and deal with the actions of parental alienation.

What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied   November Is National Adoption Awareness Month   

Buying an Instant Shed

For those of you that may be unaware, an instant shed is a structure that can be easily assembled and disassembled. Portable sheds are the perfect storage solution when constructing a traditional shed type building is out of the question. Typically, an instant shed is structural steel tubing held to the earth by anchors. A fabric covering is pulled over the tubing to provide a snug fit and to protect your possessions inside.

Selecting this type of shed requires a bit of knowledge of the product specifications. All instant storage sheds are not constructed equally. There are many types of instant or portable sheds and garage-type structures on the market today that are available in many price ranges. There may be a considerable difference in price in the same size structure from one manufacturer to another. It is necessary to take a detailed look into the product and determine what type of structural integrity you will require.

Many shed frames are made of light-weight recycled steel which is powder coated to look as if it were galvanized. If this powder coating was to chip, your structure will start to rust. This type of steel will not hold up against a heavy snow load. For a high quality instant type shed, look for a structure that uses high quality galvanized structural steel tubing. This type of tubing is designed not to rust and is more apt to withstand a snow load and high winds.

The fabric that covers your shed should be of equally high quality. Some instant shed manufacturers will attempt to trick you into thinking their fabric is thicker than it really is. They will display their measurements in square meters which is much different than the standard square yard measurement used in the United States. When purchasing a portable shed, look for a 10 ounce per square yard industrial grade rip-stop polyethylene material that is treated to keep the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays out of your shelter.

For the ultimate protection of your property, look for shed fabric with an "Inner Black Scrim" and a white reflective interior. The scrim will help in U.V. protection and the white interior will keep your shed bright for working inside during the daylight hours. Another little known characteristic to look for in your instant shed is to make sure that it is flame resistant to meet California fire code CPAI-84.

Instant sheds are the perfect storage solution for your yard equipment, tools, lawn furniture or whatever you can think to put in there. Choosing the right quality shed will ensure that your possessions are protected from the harshest elements for many years.

Finding the Best Garage Doors   Summer Time Made Easy With Self Storage   Getting the Right Self Storage Option   A Guide to Garage Organization Systems   Sliding Garaged Door Versus Side Hinged Garage Door   Choosing the Right Storage Shed for You and Your Family   

Using Temporary Car Shelters To Keep Your Car In A Pristine Condition

In this day and age, a car is something that is more of a necessity rather than a luxury. Most of us would be in a very difficult position without our cars, since it would mean having to use other unsuitable means of transport such as public transport. In addition to being very practical, cars also have some degree of sentimental significance to their owners. When you buy a car, it usually has a special significance to you, especially if you are the kind of person who loves cars a lot. It therefore makes sense that we should try to take care of them as much as possible so that they can serve us longer.

One of the most destructive forces that can affect a car is the elements. Things such as rain and too much sunlight can cause the car to lose its aesthetic value with time. For instance, too much heat could cause bubbles to appear under the coat of paint, and this would give the car a bad look. To take care of the issue, you would need to repaint the whole car. This is a process that can take time depending on what look you are going for. It can also sometimes be very expensive as well.

The other issue that affects cars these days is rain. Ordinarily, rain should not be much of an issue to cars, since it is just water. However, in the current industrialized world, there are many gases which are released into the atmosphere these days. Most of these combine with rainwater to form acid rain. This can be thought of as a weak acid, and if it comes into contact with your car it could cause erosion. This can manifest as paling and peeling of the paintjob on your car, or it could eat into the metalwork causing some degree of loss of structural integrity.

It therefore makes sense that any car owner should try as much as they can to protect their cars from these elements. If you are going to be parking your car in the outdoors for significant amounts of time, you should invest in temporary shelters for your car. Despite the fact that they are called temporary, you will find that some of the very well made shelters of this kind can be used for very long periods of time. They are only designated as temporary because they are very easy to set up and take down when you need to.

The end result of investing in such shelters is that you are going to have a car that looks as good as new for a very long time. This will then have a number of effects, such as making it much easier for you to sell the car when you need to. This means that making an investment in the temporary shelters for your car is very good value for money, and should be done by as many car owners as possible especially if they park outdoors.

Finding the Best Garage Doors   Summer Time Made Easy With Self Storage   Getting the Right Self Storage Option   A Guide to Garage Organization Systems   Sliding Garaged Door Versus Side Hinged Garage Door   Choosing the Right Storage Shed for You and Your Family   

How to Take Care of Your Cordless Drill Batteries

Batteries are a crucial part of all the best cordless drills. Moreover, they are quite expensive. This indicates that you need to take care of them properly. Check out the following instructions on how to take care of your batteries:

Keep Them in a Cool and Dry Place

You can damage your batteries if they are frequently exposed to sunlight or dust. In addition, keeping them near hot objects can also harm them. Therefore, always remember to keep them in a cool and dry place. Even keeping them in your drawer is not a good option if it is has high temperature.

Do Not Leave Them Idle

Obviously, it is good to keep some extra batteries with you so that you do not face difficulty in terms of searching for the new ones, always remember that you should not leave your current batteries idle. If you do not charge them often and leave them idle, they will eventually become weaker with the passage of time. So, use them for once so that they get fully discharged. After that, you can charge them again.

Recharge the Batteries When They Really Need Charging

Many people recharge their cordless drill batteries even if they do not need to. This can also be one of the reasons your batteries can lose their durability. In order to save money on batteries and get more out of them, recharge your batteries only when they are fully discharged. You can wait for it by drilling repeatedly. If the cordless drill does not work properly, it means that you need to recharge the batteries.

Charge the Batteries Properly

The challenge to keep the best cordless drills is to make sure you have charged the batteries properly. In order to do so, you should learn how to charge them. Otherwise, there are always high risks to lose your batteries forever. If you do not want to spend a lot of money in buying new batteries for the cordless drill, you can charge the batteries by looking at the following instructions.

· Buy a new cordless drill battery and put it on the charger for at least eighteen hours before you use it for the first time.

· Make sure you charge the battery completely. Do not take the battery from the charger unless it is fully charged.

· When you have charged the battery, place it in a dry place. It should be away from sunlight.

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Do You Know How To Post On Forums?

You want to generate free traffic to your site and build a solid relationship with your visitors? Then forum marketing is definitely something for you.

However, to be successful with this lead generation method, you have to know how to post on forums first.

If done wrongly, forum marketing can become a big waste of time. But if done right, you'll attract a continuing flood of interested leads to your online business.

Here is how to post on forums:

First of all, you must target forums with more than 3000 members. Otherwise you definitely waste your time. The forums you choose must be targeted. Always go for specialized forums. The general ones won't bring you targeted traffic and increase your conversions.

You should also check the number of new comments and posts per day. If a forum has less than 15-20 new posts every day, it's not worth spending your energy on it. There won't be enough people around for the traffic you want to generate.

Moreover, you also must check upfront if you can leave your link in your signature. If not, pass your way. But if you can, only leave one link in your signature. Never more than one. This could distract your readers.

Next thing to do is to read the latest forum posts in order to get a feeling for the forum. Adapt your posts to the audience.

Once you're sure that the forum has potential, you can create your account. Use a professional username. Use the name you want to brand you with. Upload a picture of you or your brand and use it as avatar. This will help people to recognize you and give you more exposure.

In your account settings, you can most of the time add a link to your website. Do it. This can drive people back to your site as well.

Once you start posting on the forum, make sure to never sell something. Don't pitch and don't spam. Help people with their problems, leave your link and that's it. And if you reply to a discussion, always use the reply notification. Most forums have one. This will enable you to reply the first to new questions or posts.

Always try to answer open questions. This is easy, adds value and creates a great relationship with the person you help. You also should welcome new members to build up trust straight away.

Once you've identified forums in your niche, you should post as often as possible. The more you posts and the more traffic and leads you'll get. It's simple.

Don't stir up fights. Don't participate in any trouble between two groups. Stay polite and respectful.

Choose a headline that grabs the attention when posting something. You must sell the headline so that people click on it and read your post. And don't posts things you're not sure about. Know your sources and be ready to proof what you say.

Finally, spellcheck what you write and make it readable.

If you follow these guideline on how to post on forums, you'll be able to drive high targeted traffic to your website for free.

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Five Internet Safety Tips for Government Contractors to Avoid Online Fraud

Anyone who uses the internet must watch out for possible scams and fraud, whether they're using it for personal or business purposes. Considering contractor registration and bidding is primarily performed online now, this is especially true for government contractors. To help government contractors avoid common scams and phishing attempts, US Federal Contractor Registration has shared the following five internet safety tips. While these tips are specifically targeting government contractors, most can be used by anyone who uses the internet.

1. Be wary of emails from individuals you don't know. Especially if the email contains unexpected links or attachments, it may be a good idea to contact the sender directly through another means to make sure the attachments or links are safe. If you have spoken to the sender by phone in the past, it's a good idea to give them a call and ask them about the email they sent you. Also, keep an eye out for other signs that the email may be fraudulent. A change in tone, spelling errors or formality can all be signs that the email is not actually from that person.

2. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There's a difference between a good deal and an unrealistic promise. There are many services and programs out there that offer help to contractors and actively market to agencies after they register. While many of these services may be legitimate and useful, there are certainly some who are just after your credit card number. If a company is offering something realistic, like notification of bids or assistance completing your CCR registration without promising the moon, they're likely okay. Watch out for services that promise to get you contracts or tell you that you're going to be an overnight success. No company can guarantee that you'll win contracts or be successful, that is entirely up to you and the procurement officers awarding contracts.

3. Grants can be suspicious too! Bottom line: The Federal Government rarely awards grants to start a business and even the grants they do offer for established businesses are very difficult to qualify and apply for. Uncle Sam just isn't in the business of handing out free money, no matter what you heard on late night infomercials. You can look up available Federal grants on Grants.gov and peruse available assistance for your business. While it may be helpful to hire a professional grant writer, watch out again for unrealistic promises and guarantees.

4. Be careful with your personal information. Information such as your date of birth, social security number, credit card number and bank account information may be necessary for registration and payment, but in the wrong hands this information can be used for fraudulent activities. It is necessary to supply your banking information and SSN/TIN to complete CCR registration and your DOB and SSN/TIN may be needed to register with the SBA's General Login System, however once these registrations are complete you should not have to give them out again to other entities or agencies. There have been instances in the past where scammers have tried to gain sensitive data from contractors by pretending to be from the Department of Transportation. Again, if you receive a suspicious email asking for sensitive information, be sure to call up the person or organization the email appears to be from to confirm whether they sent the email.

5. General internet safety is also key. It is important to develop a cyber security plan for your business if any sort of internet capable equipment is to be used by employees or owners. This includes computers as well as tablets and smart phones. If you're not sure how to create a cyber security plan, the FCC offers a free online tool to develop a customized cyber security plan for your business. At the bare minimum, all computers and devices should be equipped with antivirus software and all staff trained in basic internet safety/security practices.

Internet Security: Is Hiding Your IP Address Legal?   Why Botnet Detection And Removal Is So Important   Best Free Internet Filters - 4 Things You Should Know!   Securing Your Privacy in an Online World   Internet Cyber Security: How Do Firewalls Work?   

Types of Natural Stone Sealers

All natural stone is porous because of the sheer number of capillary pores that liquids and gases can move around. There are many types of natural stone, such as; sandstone, limestone, marble, travertine, slate, granite and basalt; all have porous materials that act like hard sponges, and soak up liquids, dissolved salts and minerals over a long period of time.

Sandstone is considered a very porous stone as it absorbs liquids fairly quickly, whilst the more dense igneous stones like granite are much less porous and can take an hour or more to absorb water-based liquids and oils.

Natural stones like Sandstone, Limestone and Marble are used in a variety of places around the home, as well as in public areas. Because stone has excellent durability, strength, insulation properties it has been a popular material for building and decorating since ancient times.

Although the variety of colours, and types of stone make it a truly versatile landscaping and building material, you must seal this type of stone to prevent damage from staining.

Back in the ancient Roman times, Sandstone and natural stone were sealed with Olive Oil which provided some protection against general weathering from the elements. Later, during the Renaissance period, Europeans decided to use topical sealers and varnishes made from egg whites and natural resins. These were clear in colour and when applied wet they formed a protective layer and hardened the stone.

Nowadays, modern stone sealers are split into the following three types; Topical sealers, Impregnating sealers and Penetrating sealers.

A topical sealer is effective at preventing stains but as it is exposed on the surface of the material it can tend to wear out fairly quickly, more so if the flooring is used frequently. The slip resistance and look of the stone will change significantly, especially when it is wet.

Topical sealers do not allow the escape of gasesor water vapour, so they will not be effective against salt crystallising on the surface.

Topical Sealers are generally made from polyurethanes or acrylics.

Penetrating sealers are breathable to a certain extent, but can only penetrate to just under 1mm

into the surface of the stone - just enough to secure the material to the surface. Generally this type of sealer lasts longer than the topical sealer, but they do not change the appearance of the stone, and the slip resistance on the stone surface can wear fairly quickly. This type of sealer is not suitable for preventing salt crystallising on the surface.

Special cleaners are often used alongside the penetrating sealers to clean and top up any repellent ingredients left on the surface of the stone.

Most penetrating sealers use siliconates, fluoropolymers and siloxanes.

Impregnating sealers are a type of penetrating sealer which infiltrates deep into the stone, and soaks it with the molecules that bond with the capillary pores. It then repels water and oils from within the material. Some silane sealers have been modified to impregnate deeper into the stone which protects against salt crystallising on the stone surface, as well as providing crucial protection from traffic and weathering.

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